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Current Events

I love the internet and find it invaluable, but it has a proclivity for devouring minutes that turn into hours - time I should be spending making jewelry!  You may have noticed that I haven't been posting as often as I used to.  I try...really I do.  But my time is just so limited these days.  Although winter days are short, they seem long on time.  There is no work to do outside during winter such as weeding, which I find takes an enormous chunk out of my day, especially with all the rain we've had over the past few months.  Nor does winter instill in me the wanderlust of hopping in the car, opening the sun roof, and running errands the entire day.  Funny - I always thought that as I grew older, I would have so much more free time, however, the opposite is true.  The days just flash by and I'm never able to accomplish everything I intend to get done.  True, that is ever so much better than being bored, but I know that if I live to be a hundred or more years old, I will still have many, many things left on my "to do" list.

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