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“Zipper Teeth and Freeform Beading”…

This is another class I signed up for at the Bead&Button Show. Jeanne Barta-Craine, a wonderfully patient teacher and all-around genuinely sweet lady taught the class.  I’m fairly new to bead embroidery having completed only two projects (see my blogs of February 7 and February 22, 2012).  I took this class because the idea of using zippers in bead embroidery intrigued me.  I didn’t get very far along on the project in class because the floor show had opened and I spent some class time searching for some unique materials to use on the cuff.  I came across these gears at the Metaliferous booth and thought they would be the perfect addition.  I found some nice vintage mother of peal buttons to use as well.  I like the looks of this bracelet so far, but will put it aside for now as I have so many other projects in the works at present.  Besides, as we all know, beading is the perfect travel project - easy to pack and work on whether on plane or in car.  I’m afraid it’s going be a few months before I have a finished cuff to show you.  Luckily, it will be easy to pick up and start stitching when I find the time to devote to this project.

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