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Resolutions Anyone?

I seldom make New Year’s resolutions because they are so hard to keep. But for 2024 I resolve to have a lot more fun and play time in my studios! I want to create more mixed-media pieces using metal, polymer clay, and lots of other mediums. Santa brought me wonderful art materials and jewelry-making components, which have jumped-started my creative juices and I can’t wait to get started again! Above are just a few of the goodies I received…paint markers, felt balls to embellish, sequins, Julie Haymaker's Shrinkets molds and cutouts, beads, thread, and more! It’s been several years since I've made Shrinkets components, but they are such fun and I’m more than ready to dive back in! I feel this is going to be a very productive year! Stay tuned and I hope your New Year is filled with creativity as well!

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