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I went bead shopping.  Influenced by my surroundings and being amidst lush tropical forests and exotic flora, I'm finding that the beads I brought along on vacation are simply not colorful enough!  Aloha Bead Company in Paia town had just what I needed.  I bought tubes of  ocean blues, jungle greens, and luscious pinks, as well as several strands of  coral, beach glass, and pearls.  My bracelet design is now evolving into a piece that is island worthy!  I'm working in RAW (right angle weave) and have stitched a band of tiny bronze colored 15/0 seed beads.  My intent is to gradually move to 11/0 and 8/0 seed beads using the tropical colors to create a ruffle at both sides of the main band.  Since I'm making up the pattern as I go along, there will be some false starts as I try each color.  I may decide to change the color sequence or possibly change the stitch pattern combining the RAW with peyote, maybe working tiny tubes of herringbone stitch, and/or weaving a spiral edging.  Serendipity plays a great part at this juncture.  Sometimes I have to tear out rows of stitching that just don't look right, but most often I'm pleasantly surprised with the outcome.  Designing is my forte and truly great fun!

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