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Waste not. Want not...

My parents pronounced that old adage often as I was growing up and and as a result, I am quite frugal.  Food does not go to waste in this house.  A creative cook can do wonders with leftovers!  Likewise, I view almost every object with the prospect of repurposing.  Take this Bobbi Brown makeup palette for instance – it once held crème eye shadows and eyeliners, but I now use it as a portable beading kit to toss in my bag when I’m ready to head out the door.   The four interior compartments have lids, which snap down tightly, rendering them perfect for storing seed beads.  The tray holds needles and thread and the inside lid has enough room to hold several of my business cards.  I’ll bet if you look in your stash of makeup items, you’ll find a handy tin or caddy just begging for a second life!

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