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Wall of Yarn

Long before I ever thought of making jewelry, I owned a weaving studio and yarn shop in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.  It was in an old woolen mill overlooking picturesque Cedar Creek, a peaceful setting in which I listened to classical

music and sipped tea while I knitted or sat at the loom and wove.  When I closed the shop, I sold my looms and most of my yarn.  But there were some  I simply couldn't part with - the Irish Donegal tweeds, fancy and novelty yarns, multi-colored ribbon yarns - to name a few.  Pictured above is my remaining yarn stash and every now and then, I get an urge to play with fiber and do a collection of colorful artsy scarves to sell.  This doesn't happen often because there just aren't enough hours in a day to do everything I'd like to do and beading and making jewelry is what I'd almost always rather be doing!

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