I’m big on recycling! Being one who wastes nothing that may have a chance at a second life, I always contemplate a purpose for something that would otherwise be discarded. The term “Upcycle” kicks recycling up a notch by taking an object and making it even better than it was originally! Take this perfume bottle for instance…I loved the bottle almost as much as the fragrance, but the spray top stopped functioning. Fortunately, it was a screw top and could easily be removed, although had I not been able to unscrew it, I could have cut it off with a separating disk attached to my flexshaft! I was able to save the remaining fragrance by pouring it into another bottle from my vast collection of salvaged empty vessels (I really never throw anything away!). This fluted bottle is almost five inches tall and just the perfect size for a mini vase! With polymer clay and a bit of artistic flare, this bottle has a new life that will most likely out last mine!