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This is Nice!

I’d been looking for a new beading board and chose this custom made goodie from This is the 8” x 12” model with wells. For my purposes this is a good size…not too large nor too small. The boards are available in other sizes with various numbers of wells, which are intended to keep beads from running wild and with or without alphabet magnets. I didn’t want the magnets…I personally think it’s just something that one’s thread might get hung up on. The wells are a great idea, but they will take some getting used to as I find it difficult to get each bead onto the needle having been used to beading on a flat surface. I’m finding that piling the beads at the left side of each well (right side if you’re left-handed) makes getting a bead onto my needle much easier. Bead Envy Boards are also available with a single drawer, an option which I also declined as it raises the height of the board by two inches making it fine if you are a lap beader but difficult if you like to bead at a table. I really like the cover that fits inside the fabric boarder for keeping beads from moving about when I move my board from room to room or if I decide to place it in a suitcase when traveling. Other fabric options are available, but being a cat aficionado, I naturally chose a leopard print!

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