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These Are Strange Days, so...

What better time than now to stay indoors and bead!  In 1918 the Spanish Flu swept the earth and felled millions, but unless you were around at that time living through a pandemic is a totally new experience.  People are being encouraged to stay indoors, avoid crowds, meeting places, and group activities. Restrictions and lockdowns are occurring as restaurants, bars, and businesses are either closing or limiting hours to prevent spread of the coronavirus.  This is a serious change in life for a multitude of people. Fortunately, I’m a homebody working from my studio and I never experience cabin fever.  I truly don’t like to leave home for travel or much else.  Home is where the cats and all my “toys”’s my comfort zone, and thankfully, the internet brings the world to me.  Shopping is at my fingertips and goods are delivered to my door.  Being an only child forced me to become self-sufficient and encouraged me to find creative ways to spend time.  That being said, color, pattern, and geometric warped squares are my focus at the moment.  A new earring design is in the works that I’m quite exited about!  Kits and a tutorial will be available soon...stay tuned!
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