When she visits me, I seldom know what to expect. Sometimes she grants me an idea and I run with it and the idea grows and often morphs into something completely different from the original plan. Lately, my muse has been incredibly active. She constantly presents me with multiple ideas for many projects – more than any one person can do with only so many hours in a day. I find I now have four projects going at once all in various stages, and as I’m writing directions and taking photos of the process of each, it is a challenge to keep track of it all. Common sense tells me to choose one project and finish it before starting the next, but the muse has somewhat set me afire with a blaze that can hardly be contained, something like the girl in “The Red Shoes” ballet who can’t stop dancing as long as the shoes remain on her feet! In the midst of all this, it is time to ready presents for my husband’s upcoming birthday. The muse coordinated with the birthday fairy (a.k.a me) until the wee hours of the morning to make a collection of collaged boxes in which to place the gifts. Thankfully, they will be used again and again which is so much more practical than spending time wrapping a present only to have one’s work torn to shreds. Now that I have finished that task I must get back to the work at hand and appreciate the muse while she graces me with her presence. Eventually she will wear herself out and disappear to rest and then reappear to set me spinning like a top once again!