The time bandits are stealing the hours I usually spend beading! It started a few days ago when the weather was gorgeous and approaching 80 degrees. My herb garden started calling to me and of course, I got in the car and drove to Murphy's Gardens where I picked up Native False Indigo to put in our prairie and basil, thyme, sage, oregano and parsley for the herb garden as well as tomatoes to grow in containers. Well, wouldn't you know that the weather has once again turned rainy and too cold to be outdoors! The plants spent the first night in the garage, but I've been scouring for temporary places to store them indoors where they will get enough light, but won't be nibbled on by the cat. I fear for the basil because it is so tender and temperamental. Needless to say, I haven't had enough time to bead anything more than these three mini-winged tube beads. I'm eager to get more of these finished so I can complete the project I have in mind. With company coming for dinner tonight, I will be spending the entire day in the kitchen. And as soon as the weather turns warmer and it's safe to plant, I'll be digging in the garden. I wish I could clone myself!