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Silver is...

still horrendously expensive with daily prices fluctuating between $35 and $40 per ounce and that price does not reflect the additional fabrication charges that are added for milling it into sheet and wire.  Silver metal clay is even more expensive.  You've probably noticed that I'm using more bronze metal clay and less silver in my pieces of late.  Almost every artist I know is feeling the pinch and finding new ideas for incorporating other materials in their work, using a modicum of silver to accent their pieces instead.  Looking at the situation from a positive point of view, it is forcing us to use our materials more creatively.  Rather than judging a piece for its intrinsic monetary value we are placing value on a piece because it is one-of-a-kind art jewelry that "speaks" to our emotions and souls which is something that mass produced silver and gold baubles just can't do.

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