I'm making progress on my latest geometric cuff and loving the process! The colors are so bold and the vibrant "lipstick" red really pops! I think I'll be making up several graphs to go with this design. It will be interesting to see the pattern worked in different color combinations. Speaking of color, I've just ordered more Miyuki Delica beads. I'm expecting a shipment of round and hexagonal shaped beads in 197 colors! With all the colors and finishes that Miyuki offers, it was a task in and of itself to narrow my choice to those I selected. It's almost mind-boggling to think of all the color combinations I'll be able to experiment with in patterned designs. Ooooohhh...I can hardly wait! And if you haven't heard, here's the latest news on Kate McKinnon's long-awaited book, "Contemporary Geometric Beadwork" - Volume I has just gone to press! If you haven't ordered your copy, do it now - you can also order pre-order Volume II at the same time!