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Return to Opulence!

I haven't worn this necklace in such a long time.  I made it about eighteen years ago when bold statement pieces were all the rage.  However, with the arrival of the mid 1990's came a period of minimalism.  Top designers seldom showed jewelry.  The pages of all the fashion magazines showed bare arms, wrists, and ears.  Thank goodness that period of fashion austerity is over.  This necklace, once again, looks fresh to me and I'm enjoying wearing it with sweaters, long skirts, and boots.  The materials I used in this necklace are sterling silver, gold, rutilated quartz, an ancient granite bead, and onyx.  I made the hollow forms using a Bonny Doone hydraulic press.  Metal clay had not yet arrived on the scene.  What new miracle materials await us?  I don't know, but I'll be eager to play with them!

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