Having skipped the Bead & Button Show for several years, I was more than ready to attend this year! The Show catalog was filled with classes that appealed to me
and more floor show vendors were listed than in the previous year. I eagerly registered for the 2020 Show and classes as soon as registration opened. I made my travel plans and hotel reservation. I was all set and ready to go!  But the best laid plans don’t always work out. There’s no doubt that the pandemic has turned life as we know it upside down. Businesses, restaurants, and brick and mortar stores are closed and many trade shows have been canceled. The Bead & Button Show has now rescheduled the 2020 event. Normally held in late May through early June, it is now scheduled for late August and no doubt, bead aficionados will be extremely eager to attend after weeks (months?) of staying at home. Call me over cautious, but I’m not willing to take the risk. I can wait until next year or however long it takes to know there is no chance of falling ill from lingering Covid-19. I’ll be beading at home.  My motto...better safe than sorry!