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One of my B-Day presents was a wide-angle lens and...


That was incentive enough to clean up my beading table so I could take a photo and experiment with the lens. When I'm immersed in a project or have several going at the same time, my workspace can become utter chaos. This table also serves as the packing area when I have kits and patterns to send off. So I've spent some time putting everything back in order. All beads are back in their respective containers and tubes and tucked away in cabinets along with other bead-related stash. As you can tell from these photos, it is far neater than the workbench in my metals studio at the moment!


The question is how long will my studio look this neat and tidy! From previous experience I can tell you that it won't be long before the table is covered in jars, tubes, and trays spewing with beads once again! I guess I should invite company before this happens! Incidentally, the wall of yarn is filled with stock from Fibre Ltd., a weaving studio and yarn shop I had years ago. I don't have much time for fiber work these days, but I love looking at all the colors and textures...of course it is taking up valuable space where I could be storing beads!

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