switching from a PC to a Mac. I've used PCs for the past twenty years and I've been comfortable with my Microsoft programs, familiar with their layout and how they function. But as my latest four-year old PC has been crashing constantly, it was time to find a replacement and I decided a Mac might be really nice. Everyone I've talked with who owns a Mac endorsed them with great enthusiasm. So I bit the bullet and got a Macbook Pro and I'm finding there are vast differences in the operating systems. The Apple tech transferred the files from my PC to the new Mac and said "You're good to go!" Wrong!!! I'm not good to go and am definitely in foreign territory...like I've landed in another country that speaks a different language. Here's one example...every beading pattern I've written containing step by step photos transferred to the Mac in document form only. The photos are gone! Can you feel my frustration building? I'm hoping that when I install Photoshop Elements on the Mac, the photos will magically reappear in the patterns where they are supposed to be. Is that just wishful thinking? I'm positive that I will love my Macbook when I get to know it, but I think I'm in for a wild ride and a steep learning curve. Thank goodness I still have my PC in the interim. Now if I can just get it to stop crashing!
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