It’s a good thing that I’m not superstitious or I’d plan on having bad luck until I’m 74! I’ve taken several days away from the metals studio to paint an antique vanity that belonged to my mother.

I used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint because preliminary chemical stripping and sanding is unnecessary and the colors available are gorgeous!

Propped up against a table, I had just finished painting, waxing, and buffing the mirrored portion of the vanity when my pant leg caught on the bottom of the frame and the mirror toppled over and crashed into a hundred pieces!!! Now what to do? I could have another mirror custom-made and fitted into the frame, which would be the easy, but costly fix. I’m exploring other options. I could cut a canvas to fit inside the frame and do a painting, but I rather like the large remaining portion of the mirror in the lower left corner that didn’t break…that along with a few remaining larger pieces of mirror could prove interesting if I fill the empty portions with epoxy resin clay and impress various objects (shells, charms,???) in to it. I have a lot of design exploration ahead of me over the next week or two. I’ll keep you posted on the progress!