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Of Course...

You’ve heard the saying “Use it or loose it” and the result of devoting the last few years solely to beading is that my metals skills have suffered.  Presently I’m in a period of discovery and relearning.  I haven’t fired up my torch in so long that it almost seems like a foreign object!  The ring (shown above) and necklace (shown below) were the last pieces I made in metal and that was two years ago.  As I want to add handmade sterling components to the polymer pieces I plan to make, I’m now back at my work bench going through my stock of sheet metal and wire and reacquainting myself with my hammers, bench sheer, hydraulic press, and other jewelry-making tools.  I have become “rusty” (pun intended) in my metals skills and realize it will take longer than anticipated to create the finished pieces I have in mind.  I view this period of adjustment with a positive attitude and am indeed looking forward to regaining and honing these skills once more and to the serendipity of what I may discover in creating new metal works!

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