is to keep my studio spaces orderly. Like so many resolutions, it will probably get broken as I become enthralled with too many projects at once, resulting in endless clutter. I've spent the last two days organizing this space - it is my "mixed media" studio where I do metal clay, polymer clay, resin work, and occasionally sewing and paper arts. This is only one portion of the room which also houses several knitting machines, craft books, yarn, and more. With so many interests, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep my spaces neat and organized. The jewelry studio in the next room was quite tidy six months ago, and is now in dire need of attention. And I haven't even tackled the third room in which I do my beading! Oh well, as Scarlett O'Hara said, "I'll think about that tomorrow." Speaking of tomorrow...it's time to get out the metal clay and try my RingMaker mold!