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My Bead&Button Classes are locked in!

It was a tough decision.  I would like to have added more to my list, but I only have three free days in which to attend classes.  Those I signed up for are Robert Dancik’s “Concrete – It’s not just for Sidewalks Anymore”, Jeanne Barta Craine’s “Zipper Teeth and Free Form Beads”, and Richard Salley’s “Making Tools 101” (see my January 9 post).  I’ve not worked with concrete before so I thought Robert’s class might be a lot of fun and provide an additional element in my never-ending quest to keep jewelry-making ideas fresh.  Jeanne’s class deals with bead embroidery, which I’ve wanted to do for the longest time and the idea of stitching pieces of zipper onto a bracelet along with beads is rather novel.  I also wanted to sign up for Kim Hickcox’s “Introduction to Glass – Bead Making”, but I just can’t fit a fourth class in this year – maybe next year.  It’s always something to look forward to!

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