My workbench is filled with half-finished jewelry projects, but frankly, I just want to hibernate today! I feel like a bear...ready to hunker down inside a cave for the winter. The fact that our first measurable snowfall has come extremely early may be the cause. We had our first snowfall before Halloween! The promise of a long beautiful autumn is dashed and I fear we are in for a very long winter! Four inches of snow overnight and up to eight inches is predicted. I’ll add that I’m thankful it’s snow rather than the disastrous fires California is experiencing! However, today my energy level is nil and even several cups of strong coffee have not bolstered my drive. I’m feeling content to do absolutely nothing. Cozying up under a comforter in front of the fireplace with the cats and listening to a book on Audible (The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson in honor of Halloween!) seems a very good thing to do today! Thankfully, I have no commitments and have the luxury to just be. Tomorrow my energy may return and I’ll be back at the bench working on the collection of rings and components that I started last week...then again, perhaps not. Life is good either way!