I must have been very good this year because Santa was extremely generous. I’m a very lucky gal - he brought almost everything I had on my list and a few surprises too (an assortment of wonderful teas and other goodies fromThe Great Galena Peddlery). I had been running low on silver wire so that was at the top of my list and fortunately, ten feet each of 16, 18, and 20 gauge wire were left under the tree! Several photography books focusing (pun intended) on closeup shooting and photographing arts, crafts, and small objects were most welcome as I'm always trying to improve my skills in that arena. A rubber stamp, revolving tool caddy, tin snips, serrated wheel tools, and packets of the most incredibly small brass hinges I have ever seen were others. One of the highlights was a tiny box from “Just Let Me Bead” filled with 15/0 bronze Charlotte beads, luscious strands of pearls and a novelty glass “alligator” eye which I will either bezel with silver or beads…haven’t decided which! There were a few other nifty gifts, which I’ll tell you about in the next blog…stay tuned!