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Lampworking Classes?

The Bead & Button show is only a few months away.  I always attend the show because there are so many vendors under one roof from whom to buy wonderful beads, chain, tools, storage, ribbon, wire, books...anything that has to do with beads and making jewelry.  Every year I peruse the class catalog and always think I'll just sign up for a class or two just for fun.  But before I know it, I've filled up the week with classes and hardly enough free time to breathe!   And every year, I think about taking a class in lampworked bead making so I can learn how to make those luscious orbs...I'm always so tempted!  But then I say to myself  "Another new technique to learn.  What is the learning curve?  How much time do I have to master yet another technique?  How much more equipment and materials do I want to invest in?  Do I have room in my studio for this?"  My plate is already so much more can I digest?  And I think "No, not this time around."   But I believe one should never say never.  Things change and who knows, perhaps someday I will succumb, take a class, and be off on another tangent!

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