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Just in Time!

The Holidays are drawing near and if you're in need of a quick project or a gift for friends who love to bead, I have just the thing! Tucked inside one of my handmade envelopes are six colors of Japanese 15/0 seed beads and a cute little stainless steel spoon that is so perfect for gathering up errant beads! A tutorial with three patterned design color charts, step-by-step instructions, and photos for creating fast, easy to make Tube beads that can slip right onto the top of the spoon's stem accompany this kit. The spoon measure just 4.5" in length and is shown next to a standard tube of Delica beads for reference in the fourth photo. Tube beads are so versatile and can be used as spacer beads in bracelets, necklaces, and brooches as well! This is a great gift for beaders and bead aficionados alike! The project is suitable for those with of all levels of beading experience.You can find the beading kit and tutorial in my Etsy shop.  

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