It's difficult to stay inside and work on jewelry when...
Mar 28, 20121 min read
Spring is bursting out all over! The prairie is now cleaned up, our decks have been repainted, the front porch has been tidied up, and we've been enjoying dining on the screened porch! I remember as a child having snow piled up to the roof of the garage at this time of year! In our Midwestern corner of the world, trees usually don't leaf out until late April. And my Red Bud trees usually blossom in early May. My Service Berry trees are showing a multitude of fragrant white blossoms, and my Bellwort and Bluebells are producing lovely flowers. These photos, taken several days ago, show how far ahead of the season our weather is.In all my years, I've never experienced such early warm weather and while some may deny it, our climate is changing - global warming is not a myth!