There is no way I will have my "Fantasy Flora" Cuff finished before I leave for Bead & Button next week! I am almost finished with the petal portion and will begin working on the band soon. Having started this project several weeks ago, I should be much further along, but once again, life has gotten in the way. I've been doing outdoor maintenance, tidying up the front and screened in porches, running to our local greenhouses to buy plants for outdoor containers and hanging baskets, clearing out the garage, and on and on! Given the brief stolen moments I have been able to devote to my geometric "Fantasy Flora" cuff (inspired by CGB), I am very much enjoying the project! Designing is such an adventure! It starts with an idea that changes constantly, improving upon itself along the way. And like a good book that I hate to put down, it's a story with an ending that I can only guess at for now, but I know that the final chapter will be filled with surprise!