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I’m Still Working on the New Project, But...

As I’ve written in my past blog, I’ve been experimenting with shrink plastic. It will be an integral component of the new design that I am just weeks from finishing.  But in the meantime, I’ve listed
two new component kits
in my Etsy shop.  I have only one of each (one kit contains a Butterfly focal and the other a Flower focal) and my guess it that they will be snapped up shortly! Either kit would be a wonderful gift for any beading enthusiast! I have only two of these One-of-a-Kind kits available! Instructions for use are not included...this is where your creativity come in to play! String a bracelet or make a bead-embroidered brooch or add materials from your stash to make a fantastic piece of wearable art! Each kit contains: * One Handmade Shrink Plastic Focal Butterfly (2”) or Flower Blossom (2.25”) * Handmade Shrink Plastic Floral-themed Flower Beads * A Selection of Color Coordinated Seed Beads * A Selection of Flower-shaped Sequins and Novelty bead * Pearls * Bead Embroidery Foundation in a 4” Flower Shape * Leather Backing in a matching 4” Flower Shape * Pin Back
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