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I'm playing with bead colourways...

Selecting colors for a project is very time consuming, especially when using a lot of different materials. It’s frustrating when all you really want to do is to get started beading a project!  It’s even more frustrating for those who have trouble deciding which colors complement each other.  Fortunately I am fairly intuitive when it comes to color and selection of various shades and tones comes easily to me.  While cleaning my beading studio, I

came across a treasure trove of beads that I had stored away and forgotten about!  In this collection I found beads that I had purchased on various travels and at bead shows, a huge cache of vintage pressed glass flower and leaf beads from Germany, strands of beads in duplicate colors, and bags of Delica beads.  Looking at this mammoth stash, I decided it would be fun to group together collections of beads that work well with each other.  To those I added pearls and novelty beads that accent each collection and I even threw in some of my handmade bronze metal clay and polymer clay beads.  Realizing that these ready-made collections would be absolutely perfect to take along on vacations or to just throw in my bag. I placed the beads in individual bags and arranged them in handy little tins with see-through tops…all ready to go when I am!  The thought also occurred to me that these little tins filled with delicious beads would also make wonderful gifts!  With the holidays looming just around the corner, it’s never too early to start a beading project for gift giving.  I’ve listed several of these collections in my Etsy shop and I'm offering free shipping on everything in my shop, but you must type in the code FALLFREESHIPPING before checking out.  Don't forget!

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