a wonderful, restful time in the Caribbean. On a tiny island where no phones, television, or internet are available, it was easy to put aside everyday cares. Between long beach walks, collecting shells, and reading, I explored square stitch which makes a wonderfully firm beaded fabric. I had brought along a small assortment of colorful 15/0 and 11/0 seed beads and just started stitching little blocks of color. I'm not yet sure what these will become, but I have a feeling they will make a nice patchwork bracelet. Perhaps they will be the foundation for another beading kit and pattern. At any rate, they will have to wait until I have caught up all the mail and correspondence I missed while away. And of course, the cats are in dire need of attention and will be at my heels and under foot until they finally come to the conclusion that I'm here to stay...at least for a while!