The prairie and herb garden are in need of dire attention. Crabgrass has infiltrated every available inch of ground, as have garlic mustard and other noxious weeds. Having visited our local nursery to stock up on herbs, I realized that I would have to do a lot of work before planting them. Yesterday I overturned soil, planted a Snowberry bush and hauled flat rocks from the forest to use as stepping-stones. Today I'll be planting several of the hardier plants and hosing down the screened porch and deck. The herb garden is looking good and with a bit of rain and more warmth, I hope to have an abundance of parsley and basil with which to make pesto. I’m also planting more sage, winter savory, tarragon and lavender. It will be so lovely when everything is blooming.

There is still much work to be done in the prairie and I anticipate the weekend will be very busy, but hopefully, I'll get back to making jewelry next week! It's been so long since I've done any beading and I have ideas for several new projects. As always, time is my most precious commodity and it seems there is never enough!