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I am so amazed...

at  how much more beading I can accomplish when I'm not stopping at every step to take photos and write directions!  In just two days, I've gotten further beading the second "Tide Pool" cuff than I was able to accomplish in twice the time while documenting the first cuff.   Added to that, I now have a feel for where every beautiful little seed bead should go.  This isn't the case when I'm designing as I go along...which is usually my modus operandi.  I've never been one to do a lot of sketches.  I get an idea and often am so exited with  it that I gather my tools and dive right into the materials.  Then the engineering begins - figuring out how things will go together and hoping I haven't made a mistake that will waste the  materials I'm using!   The first piece is always the most difficult to execute.  With the second piece, I might make slight adjustments or alterations to improve the design.  As with anything, the more you do it, the more proficient you become.  I'm the first to admit that I am a hedonist, and in my opinion, no matter what one does, above all, it should be fun!  

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