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Home again...

and back to crisp weather with frigid temperatures to match.  Quite a shock to one's system after ten days in a tropical climate.   It was a brief but welcome escape from our Midwest winter and hopefully spring is just around the bend.  I'm eager to hit the studio and it will be business as usual in a few days.  I need a bit of time to get over the jet lag which I always experience when flying westward.  A pile of mail and correspondence awaits me and my kitties need extra love and attention.  After the first hour of being aloof, they are now at my heels and underfoot, demanding my undivided attention.  I'll venture to say, I probably won't get much work accomplished for the next few days, but the creative juices are flowing and my brain is awash with ideas for embellishing the bracelet of colorful seed beads that I started while on vacation.  I've learned that one of life's greatest joys is always having something to look forward to!

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