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Good Medicine!

I've recently started designing a new beading project, but it has been very slow-going for me while my left hand is on the mend and stiffness in my right hand is hindering my activity as well (glovelettes are a god-send for achy joints!).   On the bright side, I received good news last week from Fire Mountain Gems and "Geometric Staggered Warped Square Bracelet" won a Gold Medal Award in the 2018 Seed Bead Jewelry Contest.  Accompanied by a merchandise gift certificate, it is just what I needed to put a smile on my face!  Timing of its arrival could not have been better.  

After all, shopping for jewelry-making goodies is the perfect activity while I rest my hand! Incidentally, you can find the tutorial and beading kit for this design in my Etsy shop!

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