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Formed, Dried, and Sanded...


These bronze metal clay seashell charms and buttons are now ready to be fired. 


I've recently had requests for "Tide Pool" Cuff beading kits. Tutorials for this design have been available but the kits have been out of stock for some time as I'd run out of metal clay seashell components, which are integral to the design. Obviously it was time to create more! Looking at the top photo, it's difficult to believe that such dull objects can become so shiny and beautiful after firing and finishing! I'll readily admit that I really have to be in the mood to work with metal clay. Frankly, I haven't been eager to play with it for some's cold (in winter I don't relish my having my fingers in clay!) and once formed and dried requires a lot of sanding and refining of any holes with a small file and burr before going into the kiln where they are at the mercy of the kiln gods for nine hours. Once fired, the components are placed in a tumbler to shine up. It's a lot of work, but when I see the finished product, I know it is worth the labor!  A limited number of kits will soon be available in my Etsy shop..check back in a few days!

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