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Drawing a graph for a beaded pattern...

can be a challenge

.  The squares in regular graph paper don't correlate with actual bead sizes and beader's graph paper often doesn't account for all of the different sizes of seed beads that are available.  The width and length drawn on the chart seldom show the true size of a finished piece.  The other problem is the actual drawing of the pattern onto the graph paper.  Just one slip of the pen or marker or colored pencil and you either have to start over again or deal with blobs of white correction fluid or smeared eraser marks.  This is a frustrating and less than desirable scenario!  The alternative, thankfully, is software that is now available.  I've just downloaded Beadtool4, a program that will, hopefully, help me create a beautiful color chart for the bracelet design I've just finished.  As with all software, there is definitely a learning curve.  I'm just beginning to work with the program so I'll be muddling around trying to figure it out for a while.  However, I'm confident that I will soon have a beautiful color chart to include with the pattern instructions for the "Modular Concept" cuff which I have just finished editing.  Stay tuned!

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