It was during the summer of my twelfth year that I first discovered the allure of makeup. The cake of light brown mascara was housed in a sleek red rectangular plastic compact. The top slid off to reveal a tiny doll sized toothbrush with which to apply the moistened mascara. Voila! My sparse blonde lashes were instantly transformed into a wispy dark fringe. I was hooked. Then blusher made its entrance giving a healthy rosy glow to my otherwise pale complexion. Jean Shrimpton and Twiggy appeared on the pages of every fashion magazine. Pastel lips and huge eyes rimmed with liner were all the rage. The London Look was in full swing! By the time I graduated from High School, my career choice became the beauty industry and off I went to cosmetology school! To this day, I still love to play with makeup and the tools used to apply it. So I thought it fitting that I beautify my favorite brushes with an application of textured polymer clay transforming them into sumptuous tools with which to apply the colorful contents of all those little pots and jars that I somehow can't stop collecting!