When it comes to felting, I did a bit of experimenting years ago when I still had my weaving studio/yarn shop in Cedarburg, WI. It was fun, but nothing I cared to pursue on a regular basis. Then at last year's Bead & Button show, I came across bags of tiny colorful felted woolen balls. I snatched up several bags and added them to my stash, figuring they could be an interesting addition in jewelry making. Several months ago, I carved out a block of time play with them and I've found that they make the most delightful lightweight earrings one can imagine! Felt is the perfect canvas upon which to stitch seed beads. I added hand hammered bead caps, pearls, Czech crystals, and tiny Lucite and enameled flowers to these earrings. They are titlted "Chinese New Year" because the vibrant colors are definitely festive and the bright beads remind me of fallout from tiny bursting firecrackers!