One of the many things I like about polymer clay is the ability to use it in so many ways! It's really fun to incase a tool artfully in polymer clay. Somehow, it instills an appreciation of working with the tool just a bit more. The pin vise in the center needs to be able to unscrew, so I've covered those areas with coils of iron wire, but the rest is covered in polymer clay. It's difficult to see the resin in the concave top which is embedded with the male portion of a copper snap surrounded by an oxidized washer, but it's the finishing touch. The tool shown at the top is a short length of brass tubing which I use for embedding circle textures in metal clay and other polymer clay pieces . It is finished with a coil of deep rust polymer clay into which I've inserted a long 18 gauge headpin that holds several decorative beads. And the tool at the left presently holds an awl. The teal portion at the tip unscrews allowing me the versatility of changing the awl out for a burr or file or whatever fits. The teal finial is purely decorative. Hmmm...now what else can I cover!