The present day term, Amulet, denotes an ornament or charm thought to bestow mystical powers and/or provide protection against evil, danger, or disease. I made this charm necklace a year or two ago starting with just four charms (the deer antler with pearl, faux peridot crystal drop, withered leaf and belladonna blossom, both made of fine silver metal clay), but I have recently added several more elements. I find that I wear this necklace more often than any other piece of jewelry in my collection. Does it bring me good luck? I don't know, but I consider myself to have always been very lucky and I hope my luck holds out till the end! I like the idea of wearing amulets for all of the above reasons. However, I've titled this piece "Magpie Treasure" because not only does it sport a magpie's head hand-carved from horn, but because magpies are attracted to and collect objects that are bright and shiny...as am I. Had I wings, I'd be swooping down on all matter of "treasure", particularly objects that glitter and glisten both in sun and moonlight!