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After contemplating this design for several months...

At long last, I’m finally working on a ZigZag cuff!  I’ve wanted to make one ever since I first saw the amazing cuffs in CGB. This is an ambitious project! I’ve spent countless hours figuring out the sizing and, not content to simply work rows of lovely colors, I’ve been planning a cuff that will feature patterns in animal prints. I’ve been creating and revising patterned color charts until I can hardly see straight and after all this, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best way to go about this project is to just bead and design the animal print pattern by eye as I go along. I’ve abandoned my preconceived notion of what the finished piece will look like and am instead starting with blank graph paper and filling in the colors I use upon completion of each row. 

Of course, I’m also writing pattern directions as I go along so this is definitely not one of those speedy "sit down and crank out a cuff in a day or two” projects! I do think the finished product will be well worth the time and effort I’m expending…at least I hope so!        

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