When making a piece, how do you know when to stop? When is enough - enough? My answer is...it's all in the eye. You have to have an innate sense for balance, proportion and perspective, especially when making an asymmetrical piece. Something in my mind just tells me, okay, that's enough - stop right there! Time and again, I'll find myself sitting in a room in my home, and I see something that isn't in the right place, say a vase that is too far to the left or right. My "eye" is bothered by this and I have to get up and move the object so it is situated "just right". Paging through magazines and books of jewelry, I often see a piece that is just "over the top", a conglomeration of too much stuff, and I think how great the piece would have been if that fob, or dangle, or extra chains hadn't been added - how beautiful that piece would have been without the addition of all that extra "stuff". But, that's my opinion and I guess the ultimate answer is "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."