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A new tutorial to start 2015!


I’ve just finished writing a tutorial for a mixed media bangle I’ve titled “Climbing Roses”. The bangle armature is made of 16 gauge steel wire using a jig tool. I used the NTAJ (Brenda Schweder’s “Now That’s a Jig”) to form the steel wire bangle, but you can use other brands of jigs as well and if you’re fairly adept at wire working, you can even create the bangle free hand using just flat and round nose pliers! The flowers and vines that wind around the bangle are made of Polymer clay, which I’ve accented with various colors of acrylic paint. The step-by-step tutorial for the "Climbing Roses" Bangle is available in my Etsy shop.  It contains large color photos of every step from start to finish.  If you like to work with Polymer clay and wire, I think you're going to love this project!

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