It's mixed media bracelet, "Prairie Blossom" graces the cover of a new Kalmbach publication titled "Metal Clay and Color". Compiled by Kalmbach senior editor, Mary Wohlgemuth, the book contains 25 step-by-step projects by 20 top artists: Janet Alexander, Lorena Angulo, Lorrene Baum-Davis, Maggie Bergman, Pat Bolgar, Susan Breen Silvy, Sandra Butchko, Catherine Davies Paetz, Pam East, Joy Funnell, Vickie Hallmark, Hadar Jacobson, Patircia Kimle, Irina Miech, Kim Otterbein, Cindy Pankopf, Cindy Silas, Jewelyn Vanoni, Michela Verani, and me! Also included is a gallery section of colorful metal clay works sure to inspire! The release date is August 14, 2012, but "Metal Clay and Color" is available now for pre-order from Kalmbach Publishing. I can hardly wait to page through this book and visually devour all the eye-candy it contains!