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New jewelry pieces...

That's what I'd like to be working on!  However, after switching web servers and finding that almost half my photos did not upload to the new server, I find myself tethered to the computer working on my website.  It was in need of updating, and I guess this was the final push I needed to spend time doing it.  I use Adobe Contribute to edit changes in text and to add photos, and that's pretty much the extent of my capabilities as a web mistress.  Contribute can be persnickety and will give me grief if my file size is larger than it likes so I also spend a lot of time in Photoshop as well.  I figure that between all the time I spend taking photos and editing them, updating my website, writing my blog, adding inventory to my Etsy shop, and keeping up with various other social networks, I'm lucky if I can find twenty hours per week to actually work on jewelry and make components.  I'm fortunate not to have too many other distractions!  There is light at the end of the tunnel - the website updating is almost finished and I'll be able to get back to the bench or torch or various beading projects waiting for my attention and start creating again.  Maybe I’ll make some new bangles on which to place torch-fired beads!

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